Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Little Internet Love Today...

So, my little shop is/was featured in a couple places out in internet land...

My knit hats will be featured over at at Shopgirlz for a week and they were also up at CraftBoom yesterday, accompanied by a tid-bit of small business advice I had shared. I linked the photos to the actual web pages so click over to see it all live and in person.

Thanks, universe, for aligning the planets and making it all happen on one day!

Doesn't it always seem to got that way?...

I've been building my Plumm business/blogg for almost a year now and it really seems to be a feast or famine gig. I can go a long stretch without anyone taking much notice and my sales trickling in. Then...the winds will shift, or the planets align,and I'll get a steady flow of interest.

For a While.

So, I have definitely learned to enjoy it while I have it...In the beginning I had a bit of luck with getting my bags and hats noticed and I naively assumed that it would stay that way.

Now I know a bit more.

1 comment:

Sarah Jackson said...

That's fantastic! Your hats are adorable.

I'd also love to figure out how to get out of the "feast or famine" aspect of my business. It's either too busy or I'm stressing over not enough work.